Excellent essay! I'm going to put it on my list of candidates for best of 2024, even tho it's still January. For last year, see https://ericrasmusen.substack.com/p/best-articles-i-read-in-2023?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Fbest%2520articles&utm_medium=reader2

But I didn't let my daughters apply to Yale. It's too crazy now (besides the fact that they wouldn't get in).

E. R. Yale '80

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Jan 29Liked by Rob Long

I live in a tech-boom city in Washington that's predominantly progressive. If I put a Trump sticker on my car I would be having a conversation with HR within the week.

Similarly, when I drive out to the country in Washington, it's nothing BUT Trump stickers, and I suspect an "I'm With Her" sticker on a hybrid would get you some trouble at the local bar.

My point being: People only trumpet their political affiliations when they feel safe to do so. It's not a reliable metric. I work with dozens of secret conservatives, and we all keep our mouths shut because we'd like to keep our jobs.

You WORK in Hollywood, Rob. You must be aware of this. Show up for your next pitch meeting in a pick-up truck with a MAGA sticker on it and see how fast it makes the rounds.

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Jan 30Liked by Rob Long

What a wonderful and astute article, I love your writing. The tone of this piece perfectly matches your subject. A joy to read, thank you.

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Jan 29Liked by Rob Long

Love your work, Rob! Minor clarification: Wittenberg University is in western Ohio.

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Today I heard FIRE guy Greg Lukianoff speak at an MIT Free Speech Alliance meeting. He made the only good argument I've ever heard against Legacy Admissions: that we need to eliminate it because the alumni have gone crazy with trying to get their kids into the top schools and something needs to be done to stop the madness, for their own sake. It does make me think.

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